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Thank you for visiting Bradford on Avon Baptist Church online. We hope that you find this website helpful and informative about the way in which the church works to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Please feel free to contact us for any more information - we would be delighted to see you at one of our meetings soon!

What's On

Sunday Services 11:00am & 6:30pm

Unable to attend? Watch online instead

Adult Bible Class

Sunday 9:45am


Sunday School

Sunday 9:45am


Bible Study & Prayer Meeting

Tuesday 7:30pm


Footprints Toddler Group

Monday 10:00am (term time)


Our Mission

As a church our mission is to speak the truth of the good news of Jesus Christ and God's perfect plan throughout the Bible. Our hope is that everyone who hears this message would receive the gift of eternal life through faith and grow in their relationship with God.



The 1689 Confession of Faith - Introduction and Overview in Twenty Lectures


Robert Strivens and Guy Davies work through the 1677/89 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, chapter by chapter, explaining the meaning and significance of each part and the theology that it teaches. Each of the twenty lectures covering the Confession lasts about an hour. Robert is pastor of Bradford on Avon Baptist Church and Guy is pastor of Providence Baptist Church, Dilton Marsh, Westbury.


YouTube - 1689 Confession of Faith - Twenty Lectures



Living as Christians in 21st Century Britain


Robert Strivens addresses the question of how believers should face the specific challenges of British Society today - Secular Government, Beginning & End of Life, Family & Children, Free Speech, The Virtual World, Secular Society, Marriage & Singleness, Gender Issues, The Environment.


YouTube - Living as Christians in 21st Century Britain​​​




There has been a Baptist church meeting on our site in the centre of Bradford on Avon for over 300 years. We are a group of people from many backgrounds who have come to see God's amazing love for us. 

Contact us
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